I have recently had the pleasure of working with
Pulsin and been receiving and trialling their range of nutritional bars that they have to offer. They are all natural , and made with completely natural ingredients. They are soya, gluten and dairy free and promote a wide range of pre and post exercise bars.
I have been testing how these bars can withstand the heat of a 20hours training week and aid pre and post exercise nutrition.
The bars I have been able to try to date are the three types of Pulsin protein bars, maple and whey crisp, vanilla choc chip, maple and peanut (post training protein bars) and I have also tested the almond and raisin (pre training).
Maple and Whey crisp:
This bar is great, it is very easy on the stomach, doesn't repeat on you and the taste is really good. The bar isn't too sweet and has the added crisp of little bits inside to give you that little extra interest when eating. This is my favourite post exercise bar out of the three that Pulsin offer, its tasty and very easy to digest.
Maple and Peanut:
This bar is very tasty, the smell is great and for anyone who likes that peanut butter smell and
flavour this comes very close. It doesn't repeat on you and is very simply digested after exercise. If I am honest I would imagine it would be most peoples choice if it was open to a public taste test, but for me the maple and whey crisp just pips it.
Vanilla and chop chip:
For those who like a little choc (not real choc) flavour then this is the one for you! I found the taste to hang around a little in the mouth and wasn't quite as easy to digest as the two above. It is a tasty bar but for me the other two are much more palatable and easy to digest after a workout.
Pre exercise or snack bars:
I have really enjoyed the almond and raisin bar, this is a tasty and simple bar to eat pre exercise or for a snack at any time of the day. It is more carbed based than the above so if perfect for pre exercise and fuel for training. It is by far the best tasting bar and I actually have to stop myself eating more they are that good. A perfect bar to take cycling if you are on a long ride or just fuelling yourself about an 60-90mins pre exercise! The chunks of almonds in the bar are a real treat!