Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Veganuary success!

To sum up this month so far I would have to say it has been very interesting, enlightening and experimental. I have to admit that I had my doubts about the whole vegan diet, especially at the beginning when the sudden realisation hit home that I would not be able to eat eggs or mean. In addition, it was safe to say that most people I spoke to about it also had their doubts. Many still do. However after a very successful month of being a vegan (with a few slip-ups I must admit) I can safely say that this is defiantly a safe way to live, sometimes inconvenient but still very sustainable even for an endurance athlete.
Almond L'Amour Nut Butter | Valentines Day Special
I feel that people react to different foods and peoples diets change on how they might adapt to food types and groups. Recently carbohydrates have been getting a lot of bad press and over recent years, I have avoided them thinking that, a higher fats diet would be more beneficial, truthfully this did not work and I caused more damage than good. I have recently tried to include more carbohydrates in my diet and with this experimental vegan diet, it has allowed me to do this. It is safe to say it has paid off, I have more energy, feel cleaner and healthier. In the month of cold weather and illness (I work in a school so there are many germs flying around), I have been able to stay healthy and actually get stronger. Protein can be an issue, but with the use of Pulsins rice and pea proteins and there fantastic and very tasty protein bars I have been able to ensure that there has not been a day where I have gone without enough protein. I have also been experimenting with snacks, because without eggs it has been a new process for me, I have had to try to find new recipes because eggs are usually a staple in most cake recipes. It has been a lot of fun and I have had to be more mindful and open to new ideas. I have been using a lot of funky nut company peanut butter to also ensure that I get enough protein...the products are fantastic and they have some really original ideas.

 Vegan £18 Nut Butter Deal | Limited Offer

One area I have cut right down and has resulted in felling a huge benefit has been cutting right down on refined sugar; many sugary treats have either dairy or eggs in them so are not vegan. Before Christmas and throughout December, I must have eaten sugar every day, and I was becoming a little reliant on it. I could sense when I was low and wanted more sugar and this was not good for training. Since coming onto the vegan diet, I have been able to kick the habit, although the first few days were tough, and now feel much better. I have been replacing more sugary snacks with snack that pulsin make, and I love the products so much.

Vegan Healthy Treat Hamper ImageVegan Protein Snacks - Mixed Case

One real big reflection I have had has been that eating meat is sometimes just an easy fix and does not have to be the only way to maintain a healthy life. The majority of the world eat meat, and will continue to do so, I will most likely continue to eat chicken and salmon, but I certainly will not eat the same quantity I did before it at all. I have become more mindful with where I can get my mean, organic and fresh, well treated and not processed will mean that it is better quality and this is what I will search for in the future.

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