How not to race a triathlon....
Rather a long story....
Swim went okay, felt good. Time not quite there but paving was good and just need to work on my speed.
Transition was so so so so slow, due to the 2 degree temperatures at 8am I had to put a jacket on....and that cost me a lot of time....90 seconds ish to be exact!
Finally get Into the bike. Watts were good for me. Felt good, energy levels good. Caught only other man on the course after 10mins (who later beat me into transition). Hilly course and climbed well. And the plot thickens, got lost on the way back into town and if I'm honest it was due to poor marshalling and them not being ready for me as I was the first bike back.....cost me around 5/6 mins! Nightmare. Not good enough, but live and learn.
Finally get back and run went well, felt good. Energy levels good. Speed not quite there as its only been 4 weeks of running, but still happy!
All in all crap total time, but very happy with effort levels and how I felt....season looks promising.....if I can not get lost!
However it was also amazing to see how my coach smashed it up and came 2nd! Well done Matt Bottrill!
Well this was actually my first real race of the year and man alive it was a strange experience trying to run fast again. Let's just say I didn't, although I did try! And I also ran 8 seconds fast than last year....but after 3 months out and 6 months of not running in the past year....what can I expect I guess. Although I wanted more that's for sure and I will be able to get a chance at this on the 16/4/16 on the same course in the national road relay championships.
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