I had the pleasure of being able to bake some delicious gluten free bread at the weekend. This gluten free bread mix is very easy to use because all you need to do it add water and oil. It takes the stress out of making bread, although it does take a little practice before you get it right, so I recommend ordering a few packets and not giving up at the first try.
I made four different batches at the weekend and they all tasted great and toasting them was unreal, so light and delicious. I made a normal brown bread mix, a nutmeg and chocolate loaf, a vanilla and honey protein loaf (my fave) and a coffee and chocolate loaf (didn't quite work, but it was worth a go).
Here is the brown bread mix, it was my first attempt and to be honest found it hard to make it raise. Without a bread mixer it was hard to add air for the rise and it baked a little dense. It was very tasty though and I e enjoyed it toasted alot!
Above is the chocolate and nutmeg loaf, it turned out very well and actually very tatsy, it ended up more like a desert loaf. It was delicious with a cup of coffee, and my mother also agreed!
I added, 3 desert spoons of coco and 1 large table spoon of nutmeg. This was the perfect amount and I also needed to add an extra 50ml of water to the mixture and beat for 3 mins and not 2 1/2 as recommended.
The above were made on Saturday and with the experience of these I moved on to being more adventures. On Sunday I made the protein loaf and the coffee and chocolate loaf.
For the protein bread I had to add a few more ingredients, I had to add 2 scoops of protein powder , 2 table spoons of honey and 50ml of water. Due to the extra power from the protein I had to beat it for longer, but carfully and try to add as much air as possible because it was a heavier dough mix. This proved to be more successful and had more of a raise then the others, this was to my surprise! I had it toasted with some jam and butter and wow what a treat. It took 3 attempts ot get a good raise and a good bake but I did it!
Last but not least I tried a coffee and chocolate loaf....well it was ok.....just not great at all. So I wont be posting that one..hahahhahahahha.
The mix was very easy to use and the instructions are floor less, impossible to not get right. I would recommend splashing a little water in the over to add moister to make a better bake and help the raise. Helping the bread raise is tricky, leaving it to prove doesnt really do much unless you get the mixing part right. Mix the dough well, and carefully, beat air into it and not out of it! Then leave it to prove for 30-40mins in a warm place. Then bake it....this should help alot!